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Win 1-2-1 Competition Training with Kupień

By Alex Fox | 29 December 2020 | Events, News

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Having experienced a hugely successful year winning online nail competitions during 2020, impassioned nail artist & Nail Harmony educator, Monika Kupień wants to give back.

Monika explains, “I want to give back to an industry that has supported me during my long journey, with a one-to-one competition training class and coaching.”

Looking expressly for a tech that’s ambitious and excited yet scared and nervous, Monika wants to help the winning tech grow in confidence and speed, skill and stature.

“I know it might be scary, I know it might be confusing, I’ve been there too,” relays Nail Harmony educator, Monika Kupień. “My first competition was a disaster, I didn’t understand the rules and my model didn’t help or support me. It took me a long time to figure out how it all worked.
“So, here I am now, after thousands of trainings. I’m smarter, more experienced and I’ve quite a collection of trophies from winning many competitions all around the world. However, I do still remember how lonely and lost I felt almost 20 years ago and I know I wouldn’t be here without the many people around me, who believed in me, pushed me and were kind and supported me.
“So, I’m giving back to our industry and offering a FREE online competition for one person. The winner will get competition training and coaching in their chosen category.”

To enter this exciting competition for techs thirsty to step by their skills – all you have to do is:

Send an email to:
In the email explain (maximum 50 words) why you should be the chosen winner.
Competition entries open until 10 January at 12pm noon.
“Upon closing, all entries will be judged by three industry musketeers: the wonderful @Alex Fox, the fabulous Georgie Smedley and the amazing Antony Buckley – alongside myself,” Monika confirms.
The winning explanation will receive: 3 x 3-hours individual Zoom training, as well as WhatsApp and phone call consultations to get you ready to enter your chosen competition category.

Don’t delay – email Monika today !