Caitlin iley

Want to double retail sales in the salon? Check out Liz McKeon’s 2023 Staff Training Programme

By Callie Iley | 20 April 2023 | Events, Expert Advice, News

Liz mckeon double your retail sales rebookings referrals

Salon expert and business coach, Liz McKeon, has launched her 2023 Staff Training Programme, How to Double Your Retail Sales, Rebookings and Referrals Within 30 Days.

Noting the importance of retail sales in the salon as a source of income after gaining 70% of her salon’s turnover from retail and having four out of five clients always returning, Liz sought to create a comprehensive staff training programme to support salon owners and beauty professionals achieve the same results.

Suitable for salon staff of all abilities and experience, the programme will explore how staff can become a financial asset in the workplace through increasing retail sales, improving customer service, building a client base and reaching targets, teaching that all clients have a positive impact on a business’ bottom line.

The How to Double Your Retail Sales, Rebookings and Referrals Within 30 Days program will take place on Monday 29 May 2023 from 10am-2pm at Liz McKeon HQ, Dublin.


The programme includes:

  • Improve your customer service
  • How to reach your targets
  • What clients expect from you
  • Stop worrying about ‘being pushy’ when speaking to clients
  • Reasons why clients buy and reasons why sales are lost
  • How to build a client base, increase retail sales and become a financial asset to the business


Liz McKeon comments: “If you want your business to make more money, this programme is a must for your team. The programme explores your clients’ potential, why sales are lost, how to fill columns and build client bases and the ten steps to the retail sales process.

“I’ve had such fantastic reviews from professionals who have attended this programme previously and have double their retail sales to become a much more successful and profitable business. Retail is an area a lot of professionals struggle with, but I have the formula to help and I’m thrilled to be offering this programme again in 2023.”


Click here for more information or to book a place on the programme.

*Header image via Liz McKeon on Instagram.