Hazel Dixon on entering photographic comps

By Kat Hill | 14 November 2018 | Events, News

Camera shoot out

Award winning tech, educator and Scratch front cover creator, Hazel Dixon, reveals how nail photographic competitions helped her to  success and why you should get snapping too.

“I’m always asked what makes a good front cover”, Hazel explains, “and what is needed to enter photographic competitions.

“Competing, in general, has been one of the best things for my career; it really makes you look at nails in a different way. Photographic competitions are an ideal way to get into it. All the work is pre-done so there’s no nerves or pressure on the competition day. A photo will pick up the tiniest imperfections, allow you to identify the areas that need work.

“It also gives you the chance to showcase your skills and talent. You can go a bit wild! Plus, the images produced will also be ideal for posters, price lists, websites and so much more.”

Hazel’s academy offers training with a variety of nail courses. Earlier in the year, Hazel hosted a three-day photographic nail training event, designed polish participants’ skills for the category.

For more information, visit  www.hazeldixonnailartistacademy.com

For more details about The Great Scratch Shoot Out, click here!