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Tales from Nail Harmony UK’s tropical Gelish Gala

By Alex Fox | 26 June 2018 | Events, News

Gelish gala 2018

Nail Harmony UK held its Gelish Gala 2018 on Friday 22 June at The Princes Theatre in Clacton-on -Sea. Myself and editor, Helena Biggs, donned cocktail dresses and with boarding passes in hand (our specialist invite) we entered into a tropical paradise.

With music blasting and the cocktail bar heaving, nail industry professionals networked, relaxed and enjoyed chatting nails over canapés. Acting as the highlight of a week’s intense international educator training in Clacton, hosted by Georgie and Jason Smedley, this event saw educators and their students relax alongside special guests Danny Haile, CEO of Nail Harmony, as well as Nail Alliance sales executive, Jake Daniel, and the brand’s education experts – Vu Nguyen, Kristina Manners, Antony Buckley and Krasimira Petrova. 

As the evening progressed, entertainment from a magician, fire eaters and a silhouette artist kept the amassing crowd in good spirits before booming music meant it was simply time to boogie.

A super night was had by all with much nail talk and industry networking making it a joyous and multi-faceted night of fun. 

Read more about it in an upcoming issue of Scratch magazine.