#Tagthemanicurist campaign demands credit for nail pros

By Kat Hill | 18 February 2019 | Movers & Shakers, News


A new social media campaign is highlighting the need for credits for nail professionals in photographic work and on social media.

Revealed by an Instagram account, the #tagthemanicurist campaign is calling for the same credit to be given to nail work as hair and make-up professionals.

In an exclusive interview with Scratch, the anonymous nail professional behind the campaign revealed the movement has come from countless incorrect or missing credit. “I noticed that this was happening to other manicurists as well,” the spokesperson explains. “This is especially noticeable on Instagram posts where major editorial magazines credit all the team members and often leave out the manicurist.

“Manicurists are sometimes booked at the last minute, not listed on the call sheet and given the lowest rate, work for free or just for credit in a magazine – on top of forgetting to be credited in print and tagged on social media.”

“We created this account to stand up for manicurists who rarely get credited.”

The campaign is using social media to spread awareness. “We’ve had an outpour of support from manicurists and followers. We have been using the platform to present examples and comment on editorials who have not given the deserved credit to the nail professional.

“I would like other beauty professionals to acknowledge and credit the teammates involved in creating the look together. This includes hair stylists, makeup artists, wardrobe stylists and manicurists. We also hope that hair colourists, extension experts, eyebrow artists, and hair and makeup assistants will get more recognition for their hard work as well. We should be treated as an integral part of the team instead of an afterthought.

“We are encouraging others to spread the message and bring the awareness to those that deserve recognition for their work.”

“The more people ask to #tagthemanicurist the more traction the movement will get.”

Follow the campaign via Instagram@tagthemanicurist