Sweet Squared to host CND Shellac™ Luxe drop-in demo days

By Sophie Nutt | 31 July 2018 | Events, News

Cnd shellac luxe, hero product

Following it’s previous ‘Do-LUXE Xperience Days’, Sweet Squared has revealed that it will host over 15 CND ShellacTM Luxe demo days across the UK and Ireland.

With the aim to educate nail techs in effective application and removal of the CND ShellacTM Luxe system, the demo days will begin on 30 July and run through to 21 August. Held at Sweet Squared head office in Leeds and partner locations; Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dublin and Manchester, no booking is necessary.

Each event will take place between 10am and 4pm and nail pros are invited to ‘drop in’ to the sessions and learn all about the treatment. Visitors will enjoy live demos by CNDeducation ambassadors on application and removal, along with the science behind the product. Guests will also be treated to complimentary refreshments and ask educators any of their burning questions about the system.

Dates for the demo days include:

  • Leeds: 30 July, 6 August, 13 August and 20 August (2 Green Park, Coal Road, Leeds, LS14 1FB)
  • Edinburgh: 30 July, 6 August, 13 August and 19 August (20 Harvest Road, Edinburgh, EH28 8LW)
  • Glasgow: 30 July, 6 August, 13 August and 20 August (Unit 8 The Claremont Centre, Durham Street, Glasgow, G41 1AA)
  • Dublin: 31 July and 14 August (Unit 6 Western Business Park, Oak Road, Dublin 12)
  • Manchester: 30 July, 1 August, 5 August, 7 August and 21 August (Creative Academy, Unit 3 Orford Court, Greenfold Way, Leigh, Greater Manchester, WN7 3XJ)