Alex Crop

Support #dutytohelpbeauty by Completing Survey

By Alex Fox | 07 September 2020 | Movers & Shakers, News

Designecologist R Ej0nqmflq Unsplash

As a professional working with the beauty industry Ria-Jaine Lincoln (lash & nail tech & beauty industry accountant) knows how exciting it was getting back to business when close contact services resumed, but we can’t forget that there are many businesses that are either not open or are now starting to see gaps in the diary after the initial rush. 

Photo: Ria-Jaine Lincoln, lash & nail technician & accountant

Any other time this would be a blip, a phase that business goes through as seasons change, but after five months of closure and the threat of a local lockdown how are businesses expected to recover from the lost income whilst building a safety net should a local lockdown hit their town any time soon?

“I’m hearing that lots of business owners are seeing new clients booking in, but in some cases up to 50% of regular clients have not returned or are holding back,” highlights Ria-Jaine. “There are various reasons to this change in behaviour – everything from finances to fear of the virus and whilst this is understandable, it’s a really worrying time for business owners. A campaign similar to Eat Out To Help Out (or the latest Seat Out to Help Out for theatres concept) could really help give the beauty industry hope and the means to save our beauty industry.

Photo: @sharisocial by Shari Sirotnak

We have over 7,500 signatures on the #dutytohelpbeauty campaign, but in order to show the true impact on business owners please can you help by completing the following survey: as the government will need measurable data before it will consider the campaign.

If you’re a business that has recently returned, please complete the survey and share with other beauty business owners.

If  you’re on Instagram check out and share the hashtag #dutytohelpbeauty with the latest post or create your own to help raise awareness and get closer to the 10,000 signatures we need!

Photo: @designecologist 

#dutytohelpbeauty SURVEY