Studex UK raised a total of £350 for the Future Dreams charity at Olympia Beauty.
With October marking Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the Studex team were on hand to pierce the ears of visitors to Olympia Beauty.
Donating 25% of the piercing total at the show, the team were able to raise a fantastic total of £350.
While at Olympia Beauty Scratch’s Kat and Becs were treated to a piercing – check out the pictures below!
Future Dreams raises funds to support women through their breast cancer journey. FD works on a number of campaigns to create awareness and fund research projects, with a main
focus on secondary breast cancer.
Find out how you can do your bit during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, click here!
For more on Studex ear piecing systems, visit www.studexuk.com
Read more about Future Dreams, here.

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