Chloe randall

SalonSpy adds hygiene question to improve client’s confidence in nail salons

By Chloe Randall | 23 December 2020 | News, Products & Treatments

Salonspy web feature

Leading verified salon review site, SalonSpy, have added an additional question to its review form. The question – did our hygiene standards make you feel safe in the current environment?

In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, when salons started to open again after the first lockdown, one of the initial concern’s clients had was- how clean and safe would the salon be?

Salons throughout the country put great emphasis in putting into place strict hygiene and cleanliness procedures, which would improve client confidence. Receiving client feedback on this was so important to salon owners to encourage business after a turbulent few months.

Therefore, SalonSpy added this question to its review form and it has proven to be invaluable for client confidence as well helping to detach the hair and beauty industry from the hospitality industry and the restrictions imposed on them.

In response to the question – Did our hygiene standards make you feel safe in the current environment?

33, 160 clients questioned from 4th July to 18th October 2020

100% responded

32, 865 – said YES

125 – said NO

124 – said I’d rather not say

46 – said I don’t know what this is


“We knew the additional questionnaire would help build client confidence when visiting salons and we were delighted to help Wella Professionals fight the corner of the hair and beauty industry by providing such powerful data” said Adam Thomas, founder of SalonSpy.


To register your salon for reviews, click here