Revealed: The best time to start playing Christmas music in the salon

By Helena Biggs | 04 December 2023 | Events, News

Christmas music treble clef

Are you spreading Christmas cheer in the salon from mid-November, or do you prefer to wait until closer to the big day to decorate the nail space and play festive tunes?

A survey of 500 UK shoppers by music licensing company, PPL PRS, reveals that most want people to hear Christmas songs in early December (36%) – despite noticing stores play it from the start of November (42%) and even October (21%).

But what Christmas songs are most liked by shoppers? The survey reveals that the likes of Wham’s ‘Last Christmas and Band Aid’s ‘Do They Know It’s Christmas?’ from the 1980s prove most popular, followed by 1990s anthems such as Mariah Carey’s ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’.

PPL PRS’ music therapist, Marianne Rizkallah comments: “Hearing familiar music takes us back to points in our childhood and as we’re growing up – hopefully happy memories of quality time with our families, and a reminder of childlike wonder and excitement, a sense of looking forward to time with our loved ones and to the new year. So, shops can tap into that emotion when playing Christmas music, which may increase the time spent in store by a customer during the festive period.

“Much like playing familiar Christmas songs while putting up decorations at home, Christmas music can help evoke a warm, joyful and excited atmosphere which makes us think of our loved ones and want to share gifts and experiences with them. This may make customers more willing to spend more to gift their loved ones.”

Businesses must remember that a music licence needs to be obtained to legally play music for employees or customers through the radio, TV, other digital devices and live performances.

TheMusicLicence covers the vast majority of commercially available music, ranging from grassroots and independent artists and composers through to the big industry names.

If timed correctly, seasonal tunes could drive sales. One in six (15%) shoppers want to buy gifts upon hearing them, while 18% spend more time in the store. These fill them with festive spirit (53%) and makes them happier (42%).