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Revealed: 76% of small beauty businesses report feeling optimistic about future growth

By Lilly Delmage | 18 August 2024 | News

Sumup Small Beauty Business Optimistic

Research by SumUp has found that almost 80% of small beauty businesses feel confident about their future performance, with 48% expecting to perform well, and an additional 28% expecting significant growth.

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The global fintech company investigated the current confidence levels of UK small business owners and decision makers, as the UK economy recovers from the technical recession entered in 2023. Overall, independent business owners and decision makers within the beauty industry are optimistic about the future of their businesses.

However, the concerns that remain for small beauty business majorly lie in the economy and rising costs of material and stock, with 39% reporting this as a challenge.

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Additionally, nearly 50% shared their concerns about the cost of bills, including energy and rent, with 17% also noting fears around competitive pricing: where their competitors are pricing things cheaper than they can afford.

To minimise the impacts of these concerns, almost half of small beauty business owners are creating cost-saving plans, with 35% changing energy providers to reduce costs.

Interestingly, only less than 1% of these businesses report making no changes, evidencing the wide-scale impacts of rising prices within the industry.
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“Overall, confidence levels of small business owners and decision makers across the UK are high,” says product marketing lead at SumUp, Corin Camenisch. “This positive outlook suggests that small merchants are prepared to navigate potential uncertainties and continue to thrive.”

View SumUp’s full report at