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PPE kits launched to ensure safe return to work for salon staff

By Alex Fox | 10 July 2020 | News, Products & Treatments

My crowd safe

As nail and beauty salons have been given the green light to re-open on Monday (13 July), it is imperative that the salon – and its staff – are completely ready to safely welcome back clients.

Make your salon Covid-secure
Government guidance for those working in ‘close contact services’, which includes nail and beauty salons, must wear clear visors, consider face coverings, space out appointment, sanitise reusable products and frequently clean objects and surfaces that are touched regularly.

Covid-Secure Salon Sets from MyCrowdSafe have been created with nail and beauty salon owners in mind, aiming to help the beauty industry get back to work safely with little hassle.

The fully customisable bundles contain clear visors, high filtration (>95%) and fully certified face masks, a range of 99.99% effective alcohol and non-alcohol based hand and surface sanitisers, as well as hygienic and easy sanitiser dispensers for customer and staff use, which can be customised with own-label business branding. Salon owners can add in face masks for client use too.

The company helps to support Centrepoint charities, too, as with every pack delivered, MyCrowdSafe donates one mask to volunteers working to battle youth homelessness.

Don’t forget the commute
Salon owners can also help their staff come back to work safely with MyCrowdSafe Commuter Kits – a monthly supply of face masks and 24 hand sanitiser, Zoono delivered straight to their door.

For every Commuter Kit delivered, MyCrowdSafe donates 10x high filtration 3-ply face masks to those in need.

MyCrowdSafe’s Masks4All campaign has already donated 1,000 masks to volunteers at youth homelessness charities via Centrepoint Partners.

“Face masks and visors, hand and surface sanitisers are hugely important in keeping beauty businesses open, as well as avoiding the spread of Covid-19 and more local lockdowns,” says David Eccles, MyCrowdSafe CEO.

MyCrowdSafe wants to make this bit of the process as easy as possible so we’ve teamed up with Sheffield hygiene expert, Killis, to ensure that our products are of the best quality and fully certified, and not from the NHS stock, but still provide exceptional protection for both nail professionals and clients.”