Personal Care Services can apply for Additional Restrictions Grants
By Emma Hobday | 04 January 2022 | Movers & Shakers, News

The latest guidance from the government has been announced that personal care services are eligible to apply for Additional Restrictions Grants (ARGs).
On 21 December 2021, Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak announced further financial support to aid businesses affected by the Omicron variant, which came in the form of an additional £100 million in ARGs through local authorities.
The updated guidance for ARGs reads:
Local authorities are encouraged to support businesses from all sectors that may have been severely impacted by restrictions, or by the Omicron variant.
These may include, but are not limited to: hospitality, accommodation, leisure, personal care, the travel and tourism sector, wedding industries, nightclubs, theatres, events industries, wholesalers, English language schools, breweries, freelance and mobile businesses (including caterers, events, hair, beauty and wedding related businesses), gyms, and other businesses that may have not received other grant funding.
There is no restriction on the number of grants a business may receive, subject to subsidy limits.
The Additional Restrictions Grant guidance applies until 31 March 2022.
Click here to access the full Additional Restrictions Grant guidance for local authorities.

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