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Nailympia Online Festive Discount for Artists

By Alex Fox | 08 December 2020 | Events, News

25 flags for nailympia onlline

It’s hotting up and the race is on…it’s halfway to the closing date for the first Nailympia Online edition and techs are now beginning to complete their nail styles and designs and submitting them via the website portal. Meanwhile, others are braving the registration process and signing up, so it’s a busy and exciting time behind the scenes on the Nailympia desk.  Since I (Alex Fox) work for Scratch and run the Nailympia project, I thought a quick look at the stats would be in order to get competitors a little nail hungry…thirsty and intrigued.

So far there are 128 nail artists, from 26 countries taking 342 seats!

The Nailympia 3-strong team, Alex Fox, Lisa Ebbens and Laura Tarling, in noting the holiday season, are offering a 5% discount on entries taken up before the 3 January, when using the Nailympia5 code at checkout.


The most popular categories are – Joy of Nails, Gel Polish & Invent a Nail Shape of the 12 on offer. However, every category has attracted entries. 

There are currently 11 contestants signed up for the Division 4 –  5-Shape VIP Challenge – a most exciting category, which will push, stretch and excite the techs taking part.

Nailympia has created an innovative and unique judging system whereby once the registration closes, all techs will be allocated a new, secret number that only the organiser will know. From registration all competitors were allocated a number to get back into the system to upload their entries, this will become a new, secret number so that all judging is blind and fair.

There will be at least 4 judges on each competition, with some categories affording 7 judges in order to thoroughly dissect the criteria. To date there are 35 judges – experts in their field –  from all over the world giving up their time and expertise to judge for this 16-year-old nail competition brand.

Competitors are invited to send in their head shot to join the Nailympia Wall of Fame – where onlookers can see who’s taking part and from where. This is a  great way for the techs to drum up interest and support among their clients as well as boosting their social media profile while getting in the competition zone.

Nailympia Online first edition will present an overall Top Scorer , a Winner of Winners in Divisions 1, 2 & 3 and the Grand Champion Division 4 Tech. A full winners list and winners imagery will be published in the Scratch magazine February 2021 edition.



Register & take your place on the Nailympia Online Wall of Fame at

CLOSING DATE to enter is 17 January 2021.