#NailingMentalHealth record attempt kicks off this weekend
By Helena Biggs | 01 April 2017 | Events, News

Nailing Mental Health, the campaign to raise money for mental health charities, Mind, and Samaritans, will see techs gather this Sunday to see if they can smash a world record.
Organised by celebrity session tech, Stephanie Staunton, numbers are needed – in the form of people looking to have their nails painted in green, Mind’s signature colour. Stephanie has gathered techs to help her set a world record through painting 6078 sets of nails, representing the number of people who lost their lives in 2015 due to mental health issues.
With support from a number of sponsors, local and national press and celebrities – we urge you to come and join hundreds of nail techs and help raise funds and break the world record. Under 18s need to have a parent or guardian with them.
Date: Sunday 2 April 2017
Time: 10am – 6.30pm
Location: The Intercontinental Hotel at the O2, London.
Cost: £5. Nail painting will be a maximum of 15 minutes per client.
To ‘paint up a storm’ and help raise awareness of mental health issues and funds for the charity, contact Stephanie via the Facebook group and follow the hashtag #IamNailingMentalHealth

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