Nail tech launches sharpening service to keep tools performing at their best

By Helena Biggs | 22 November 2020 | News, Products & Treatments

Katie barnes tools sharpen

Katie Barnes, the award-winning Warwick nail tech who has founded her own tool range, has launched a sharpening service.

The service is available to nail techs using any tool brand, not just those using the KB Tool Range.

“Sharp tools are safer and more efficient to use than blunt ones,” Katie notes. “When a tool is blunt or thick, additional force is required to achieve the same results. This adds unnecessary stress on the hands of the nail tech and can cause damage to the customer’s nails and surrounding skin.”

Techs seeking their tools resharpened can simply head to Katie Barnes’ website and purchase the Reuse & Resharpen service for one, two or three tools.

Next, the techs posts the tools to the address specified and, once received, the tools are cleaned, inspected and tested for defects and damage. They are then sharpened and hand honed using a combination of modern and traditional methods. They are reassembled, realigned, oiled, balanced and tested again before being posted back – usually within one week.

“I recommended that tools are resharpened annually, but the timeframe is dependent upon the amount of use, care, storage and any damage that may have occurred,” Katie adds.

“I commission the work to a local tool sharpening expert to give a new lease of life to your nail tools. When there is damage, we will do what we can to bring back the sharp edge but if the damage is significant then they may be beyond repair.

”Don’t throw blunt scissors, pushers, nippers and other sharp nail tools away. They are expensive to buy and to produce. Recycle by resharpening and servicing them with us and you are guaranteed to feel the difference, saving your money and the environment.’

Click here to select a Katie Barnes Reuse & Resharpen option.