Nail stylist, Katie Barnes, launches range of nail tools
By Helena Biggs | 28 October 2019 | News, Products & Treatments

Scratch Stars Nail Stylist of the Year 2019, Katie Barnes, has added a range of nail tools for professionals to her portfolio of offerings.
The multi-award winning educator and academy owner has utilised her industry experience and knowledge of structure and enhancements to create tailored tools, which have been two years in development.
With a motto of ‘confidence in one hand, good tools in the other’, Katie conducted an extensive amount of research and testing, including chatting to fellow respected industry techs, before she was satisfied that her tools would achieve the needs of the industry,
The KB Form Tailoring Range includes cuticle scissors and competition essentials such as aluminium form support and pinching tools, with many more innovative tools to come.
“I have found that too many tools are packaged in unnecessary plastic which is immediately discarded, so have researched and designed the packaging to ensure that it can be recycled or reused,” Katie comments.
To purchase products from the Katie Barnes Tool Range, click here.

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