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Nail students showcase sustainability themed competition creations

By Guest Writer | 20 February 2021 | Events, Movers & Shakers, News

Sarah students

Sarah Brenton-Sara, lecturer in Level 2 & 3 Nail Services & Beauty Therapy at Truro & Penwith College, reveals what her students achieved at their annual Cornish Skills competition…

Here we are again with another remote competition and this time it is our annual Cornish Skills competition.

Last year showed us the amazing skills our students have, and this year has not failed.  This year, the theme was sustainability as we thought it would be very fitting for the current situation.
The students have been working hard on their ideas since before lockdown, with each practical lesson consisting of online demonstrations carried out by myself, with a newly rigged up tripod and ring light, especially for the remote sessions.
The students are achieving such great results through the remote lessons and their submission of work proves this, we do however look forward to seeing them face to face very soon for more educational fun in the classroom setting.

Here are the winners of Truro & Penwith College’s annual Cornish Skills competition…

Level 3 Nail Winners


1st place- Aimee Harroway


2nd place- Brooke De Duca


3rd place- Emily Richards

“I think this is the kind of thing I want to do in the future as it relaxed me from other things going on,” commented Student Emily Richards.