Mask wearing sees a boost in eye make-up sales

By Kat Hill | 20 August 2020 | Movers & Shakers, News


Sales of mascara and eye shadow have increased eye make-up shares in the prestige make-up market by 3% during and after lockdown – reflecting the advice for the public to now wear masks and face coverings in many social settings.

The research from the NPD Group also found the lip segment of prestige make-up decreased its share from 14% pre-lockdown to 12% post lockdown.

Pre-lockdown, eye make-up accounted for 22% of total prestige makeup sales and increased to 24% of prestige make-up sales during lockdown. Once lockdown was eased, eye make-up increased its share to 25% of total prestige make-up sales.

Mascara and eye shadow sales drove the increase in share during this period. The focus on eye products is also evident in the brow segment. The market share of brow products in makeup remained constant during lockdown at 4% and increased to 5% post-lockdown.

“The popularity of eye make-up can be attributed to increased experimentation at home and wearing make-up whilst socialising with family and friends virtually or during conference calls with colleagues,” says Emma Fishwick, Account Manager, NPD UK Beauty.

“We have also witnessed initiatives such as the #maskmakeup challenge which encouraged makeup experimentation. As consumers are required to wear face coverings in shops, on public transport and other public spaces, the lip segment has declined in share, driven largely by a decline in demand of lip colour as the lip area is no longer visible when wearing a mask.”