Love Island-inspired beauty purchases help boost UK economy by £750m

By Kat Hill | 22 January 2020 | Movers & Shakers, News

Love island

The current series of Love Island is set to provide a £750 million boost to the UK economy as sales of beauty products and grooming tools soar at Argos.

New research from the retailer found that some 51% of people aged 18-34 have purchased products after seeing them on the ITV show, with the average young Brit spending £100.38 as a result of the popular reality programme.

The top products that Love Island persuades people to buy are make-up, sunglasses, swimwear, hair tools, nail products, tanning products and gym equipment.

Argos has seen a 63% rise in sales in epilators, with false lashes booming 48% week-on-week. Tanning moisturisers are also on the up for those wanting a winter glow, while charcoal and mud masks are soaring in sales versus this time last year when the show wasn’t airing.

Some 64% of those surveyed said they’d browsed online shops while watching Love Island, while official Argos data showed a massive 60% jump in mobile sales year-on-year.

“According to young Brits, 68% of people have started taking more care over their appearance following Love Island’s explosion in popularity,” an Argos spokesperson states.

“Sales of hair and beauty products have increased this past week as shoppers try to emulate the Love Island lifestyle year-round.” /

*Figure based on 51% of 18-34 year-olds spending an average £100.38 extra thanks to Love Island. Population figures sourced from ONS. Total UK population aged 18-34 is 14.7m.
Research conducted by Censuswide and based on a representative sample of 1,510 UK adults aged 18-34.

Images courtesy of ITV