Japanese spring/summer nail trends for 2021
By Alex Fox | 05 February 2021 | News, Products & Treatments

The Japan Nailist Association (JNA) has released its spring/summer 2021 nail design trend. Named COSMOS – the trend’s theme is, Order & Harmony; Planet Earth of the Universe. The colours are blue and green.
This latest nail design trend, which incorporates global fashion trends, is announced twice a year by the JNA Nail Trend Project (project director, Mihori Kinoshita). For this trend the theme was carefully considered and created by the JNA Trend Design Team, which is made up from ambassadors from top nail product brands and selected nailists from JNA certified product companies.
The COSMOS Concept
Amid unprecedented global environmental changes, human beings have fallen upon a time to shift to living new ways of life. So, this begs the questions; How do you now express yourself and how would you create a new future? The fingertips are a small universe/canvas of self-expression. The challenge now is to expand a new future for nails, which begins by returning to the origin and opening the door to a new world.
The COSMOS Theme
The theme ‘COSMOS’ is grandeur and deep; it’s an overflow of passion towards nails from the Trend Project members. ‘COSMOS’ is not just an image of the universe, but of planet Earth in the universe and the Earth seen from the universe. In some sense we are in an era of opportunity, where all human beings can become one, as Earth people. This theme was derived with the thought of a ‘New Earth’.
“Nails play a large part in self-expression and speak more than words now that we wear masks.
This is why we are inspired by this theme, and as the nail industry, we propose excitement, sparkle and a sense of balance and fulfilment across all generations,” says project director, Mihori Kinoshita. “Are we not more aware of pretentious ‘sustainability’ and now starting to truly understand the importance of the Earth, friends and family, oneself, nature and the environment? The key colours are blue and green – both of the earth; images of beautiful blue, green and white marble, like the clouds swirling around the Earth.”
The 4 COSMOS Sub Themes
Create new values by expressing diversity and individuality that transcend human boundaries and preconceived ideas. The harmony of various colours sends energy from your fingertips.
A general trend towards ‘simplicity’, ‘time-saving’ and ‘self-care’. Polishing oneself, returning to ‘zero’ to restart will charge power to your fingertips.
Using Earth colours, eco-friendly and sustainable materials, with thoughts of our home – the Earth, creating a healthy and earth-conscious world on the nails.
The brilliance of the seven colours that symbolise ‘coexistence’. By drawing a fantasy world view, we bring peace and healing and invite you to the dream world that will be a bridge of hope for tomorrow.
The JNA Nail Trend Project
With the slogan ‘From Tokyo to the world’, this project is composed by JNA members and the experts who are active in various fields. In the JNA Nail Trend Project, project director Mihori Kinoshita) and the JNA Trend Design Team produce the trends after support and discussion with outside experts, Aya Aso, Saori Kanno, SAKURA, Chisa Murakami and Goro Yamada.

The JNA – Japan Nailist Association – Project Design Team

JNA supporting nail brands
The theme ‘COSMOS’ is grandeur and deep; it’s an overflow of passion towards nails from the Trend Project members. ‘COSMOS’ is not just an image of the universe, but of planet Earth in the universe and the Earth seen from the universe. In some sense we are in an era of opportunity, where all human beings can become one, as Earth people. This theme was derived with the thought of a ‘New Earth’.

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