Instagram movement encourages hand model diversity in adverts
By Emma Hobday | 08 August 2021 | Movers & Shakers, News
Model, Maxey Greene has launched the Instagram account All Hands Are Good Hands, which is dedicated to showcasing hands of all shapes, sizes and features.
Maxey was inspired to create the account when she posted a photo of her manicure one Tuesday. “In tiny font in the corner of the image, I mentioned how I never see fingers that look like mine,” she said to the Huffington Post. “About two seconds after posting it, a woman sent a photo reply of her chubby fingers and said ‘chubby hands for life!’ After that they just started pouring in.”
So much so, that Maxey later posted an image to her Instagram, with the caption: “I love how today casually turned from me posting about my manicure into a full-on hands revolution. Turns out a lot of us are self-conscious about our chubby fingers! But NO MORE! I love rings and have always loved looking at pictures of them and dreaming of them, but I never EVER see them on a hand that looks like mine. It’s time to show off all our hands because #allhandsaregoodhands.”
Moved by the people who reached out with their stories, Maxey then started the All Hands Are Good Hands Instagram account, where people can look for inspiration and to see what rings look like on hands that resemble their own.
Follow All Hands Are Good Hands on Instagram.