Indiana nail tech scoops Season 8 NAILS Next Top Artist (NTNA) title
By Rebecca Hitchon | 14 October 2021 | Events, News

The NAILS Next Top Nail Artist (NTNA) competition (Season 8) concluded on 4 October, with Emily Nash (@nailsbyem) announced as the winner following 10 weeks of weekly challenges. The online nail art and design competition, launched by NAILS magazine and sponsored by CND, aims to showcase the world’s most talented nail professionals.
Nash, who is from Elkhart in Indiana, was announced as the season eight winner of the NAILS challenge during sponsor CND™’s NAILATHON event, where she was judged by a co-founder and style director of CND™, Jan Arnold, season 7 winner Giselle Caballero, Beth Livesay and game master, Winnie Huang.

Nail set by Emily Nash
“I have been a nail artist for seven years,” Nash said when the competition first commenced. “Art has been a passion of mine since I could hold a pencil, so being able to create a wonderful career out of it has been the biggest blessing ever. I love that I get to do my dream job every day!”
The US nail artist specialises in hand painted nail art, particularly characters and small details, and it was the intricacy of Nash’s work that saw her receive a crystal trophy, $8000 cash prize and the opportunity to collaborate with CND.
Head judge, Jan Arnold, said to Nash: “I’m in love with absolutely everything you’ve created. And it’s all with such precision, confidence, and control.”

CND co-founder & style director Jan Arnold @janarnoldcnd
Stephanie Loesch (@_Stephsnails_) was announced as the first runner up and Jessica Warzyniak (@oohnicenails) took third place.
For the final challenge, the three finalists were asked to design a capsule nail collection for Arnold to wear, choosing five nail tips from four sets already created in previous challenges (CND Couture, Back to the Future, Fashion Fanatic, and Harajuku Punk) to creatively reimagine.
They were also set the task of making one full set of 10 nail tips using CND™ products only and embellishments, if desired.
Think you have what it takes to apply for season 9? Click here.

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