Hone nail art skills with free Bio Sculpture online training course

By Sophie Nutt | 25 April 2020 | News, Products & Treatments

Bio sculpture nail art course

Renew Beauty, UK distributor of Bio Sculpture Gel and Evo, has revealed a free online nail art training course for nail professionals to refine their skills during lockdown.

The online course will provide technicians with the opportunity to learn an array of nail art techniques and brush up on existing skills. Guided by a group of Bio Sculpture nail artists, techs have 14 days to work their way through the online tutorials and recreate seven on-trend designs.

The online nail art course is available to any trained technician – you don’t have to be trained in Bio Sculpture or Evo to take part, you just simply have to a manicure certificate and can use your preferred brand to create the different looks.

How to take part

  • Email info@renewbeauty.co.uk and let the team know that you would like to do the course (please send your full name and email on your account).
  • The Renew Beauty team will email you within two working days with your online training login. You will then have 14 days to complete the course. Each section has a list of the items needed for that nail art design. You will also find the full list for all of the sections on section one. You do not need to stick to these colours or products, they are just a suggestion.
  • Send your designs to info@renewbeauty.co.uk. The nail art looks can be created on any suitable medium, e.g. your own nails, a member of your household or nail pops. Your designs will be assessed by the team of educators and, once successful, you will be sent your certificate.

Tutorials throughout the course are guided by a range of Bio Sculpture Gel brand mentors including Stella Cox, Ellen Heron, Faye Dennis, Rosie Watton, Hannah Hennesy, Michelle Class and Isabel May.
