Rebecca Hitchon

Holiday nails are trending on TikTok: Here’s what clients are searching for

By Rebecca Hitchon | 06 September 2023 | News

Holiday nails

As clients jet off to sunny climates to enjoy the last of the summer, Beauty Daily by Clarins has revealed that nail content is the second most-viewed beauty/fashion trend searched for by those preparing for a holiday.

It analysed leading TikTok hashtags to find that only searches for holiday outfits (2.9 billion views) top nail content, which has a whopping 2.4 billion TikTok views. This is followed by hair (1.8 billion views), skincare (1.2 billion views) and make-up (925 million views).

Leading holiday nail trends include designs inspired by Greek culture, such as blue and white looks, evil eye styles and Greek tile and floral patterns, which have seen searches increase by over 300% on Pinterest. Searches for mermaid chrome nails have also increased by over 2000% and blueberry milk nail searches by 10,000% on the platform.

Courtesy of @nailedbyyans and @harrietwestmoreland

Visit our evil eye, tile print, chrome and blueberry milk nail galleries.