HAZEL DIXON hosts photographic course

By Kat Hill | 07 February 2017 | Events, Expert Advice, Feature, News, Training

Kayleigh green

Award-winning tech, Hazel Dixon, recently hosted a three-day photographic event to polish participants’ photographic competition skills.

Designed to answer questions the top tech is often asked, Hazel created the course to share her experience with the style of competition.

The event saw the participants work with a theme – Alice in Wonderland – similarly to the rules of a real photographic competition. Across the three days, the student gleaned tips from Hazel herself, as well as photographer, George Fairborn, and make up and hair artist, Wendy Brinkworth.

The third and final day saw the attendees practise what they had learnt and partake in a photoshoot, which saw them each capture a stunning image.

Check out all the images from the shoot in an upcoming edition of Scratch

For more information and further training dates, visit www.hazeldixonnailartistacademy.com