Hair & Beauty Charity announces support steps amid coronavirus outbreak

By Helena Biggs | 26 March 2020 | Movers & Shakers, News

Hair beauty charity

The Hair & Beauty Charity, an independent service dedicated to helping hair and beauty professionals in need, has released a statement regarding support following the coronavirus outbreak.

The charity offers financial support to individuals and their families facing difficult times due to unforeseen circumstances such as illness, bereavement and financial hardship. However, it is experiencing a surge in requests from hair and beauty pros who have had to close their business following government stipulations.

“We are a small charity and have to prioritise assistance to those who need it most urgently,” a statement from the charity on 18 March 2020 reveals. “We cannot guarantee help for the thousands of people likely to be affected.

“Priority will be given to households where only one adult (working within the industry) provides the only income to the household (e.g. if you live with your partner who will still receive an ‘employed wage’, priority will be given to single parent families whose only income is dependent on their hair/beauty industry wage).”

The usual application criteria will be used to determine those most in need, and applies to anyone currently working in the hair and beauty industries (for a minimum of three years) or anyone who has previously worked in the hair and beauty industries (for a minimum of five years, not longer than 15 years ago).

The statement reveals that help will be prioritised to those who:

  • become ill or disabled
  • have a terminal illness
  • suffer mental health problems
  • are homeless
  • become carers for elderly relatives, children, spouses/partners or other dependents
  • have suffered a bereavement, often the main bread-winner
  • are without sufficient income to meet basic needs

The charity does not provide assistance towards:

  • those with savings of £500, or account balances that consistently do not fall below £500
  • those with income significantly higher than their expenditure
  • business costs
  • debt (incl. rent arrears, bankruptcy fees etc.)
  • major house repairs or renovations
  • training and equipment costs

The charity relies on fundraising donations, and Scratch offers the option to donate £1 to the charity when you make a purchase via the online store.

If you are experiencing extreme financial difficulties as a result of the coronavirus, the Hair & Beauty Charity application form can be downloaded here.

The charity is working with its trustees to ring-fence specific funds to try and support those most in need.