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Get to know UK top nail artist & judge Kirsty Meakin in a quick Q&A for Nailympia

By Alex Fox | 27 June 2021 | Movers & Shakers, News

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Get to know a Nailympia judge…

 NAME: Kirsty Meakin

Business name: Kirsty Meakin

Location: Stoke on Trent, UK

Nationality: British


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Who Trained You: Youth Training Scheme, Trang Nguyen & I’ve learnt a lot through my own mistakes.

Years in Nails: 20+ years; I’ve stopped counting, as it can make me feel way too old.

Years Judging: 7 years

Nail Brand You Represent/Use: Kirsty Meakin

Role in Industry: Brand owner, YouTuber, nail artist, international educator, nail influencer, international nail competition judge.

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Favourite Trade Exhibition: Nailpro Vegas (it’s gone now)

Favourite Nail Tool: My Allycia acrylic brush

Favourite Book: Aint Nobody Got Time For That

Favourite Movie: Terminator & Silence Of The Lambs

Favourite Food: Mac & cheese

Favourite Vacation Destination: Los Angeles, USA

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Your Hobbies: Roller blading

What Inspires Your Work: The world, fashion & people

Who You Admire In Industry: David Fowler (educator in Germany,

Top Technique You’ve Mastered: Realistic gel painting

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Advice to Competitors: Read the rules

Hot Tip or Trick for Competitors: Read the rules – again! Sleep well the night before & get a model with kick-ass nail beds.

What Lockdown Has Taught You: I need to slow down to be a better creative

A Funny Memory From Your Nail Desk: That’s a secret!


Why Nailympia: Because I love it for its international presence & damn – the skill level is off the charts.


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“I believe in dressing how you want, not how you think you should! Creative expression feels and looks so damn good!” Kirsty Meakin


Kirsty’s workshops & classes can be found here:


Kirsty’s KM clothing line launched in 2021 –


Instagram: Kirsty Meakin

Twitter: Kirsty Meakin

Facebook: Kirsty Meakin nail artist

TikTok: Kirsty Meakin