Cosmetic Executive Women (CEW) and The Eve Appeal have announced the launch of a new national campaign – Get Lippy.
Aiming to raise awareness for gynaecological cancer and break taboos about gynaecological health, the campaign will see brands who have lipsticks, lip gloss, lip balms or any lip products in their range promote the cause.
With a host of key retailers already behind the campaign, this year marks the first of what will be an annual promotion bringing the beauty industry, retailers and customers together to speak up and share their support for Get Lippy.
“I believe Get Lippy will help make a lasting impact on women’s health,” reveals Caroline Neville, president CEW and Get Lippy patron, on The Eve Appeal website. “I’ve always felt very strongly about encouraging women to speak out, speak to each other and take responsibility for their own health.
“Get Lippy reflects the current cultural relevance around female solidarity and women joining together to speak out and up for themselves. By being bold and standing together, we can break taboos and start a continuing dialogue that will save women’s lives.”
CEW and The Eve Appeal are inviting the beauty industry to become involved as Get Lippy partners, and donating £1 or 10% from every lip product sold in May to The Eve Appeal.
To become a partner, contact Sarah Dawson, campaign manager, on 020 7605 0100 or email Sarah.Dawson@eveappeal.org.uk.

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