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First Leoko Cre8tive Cup launches to bring nail techs, artists & brands closer together #collaboratedonthate

By Alex Fox | 29 April 2021 | News, Products & Treatments

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The Leoko Cre8tive Cup has been created by nail tech, Leona Ko-Nkengmo with the support from her Cre8tive Collective team.

Leona of Leoko Cre8tive – 

“This competition is the starting point in to movement that my team and I want to start to tackle the horrendous issue of bullying within the beauty and hair industry,” cites Leona.
“We realise that bullying behaviour comes in many forms, but after being contacted over the last few months by individuals regarding this, we wanted to stand together and create something together, for everyone.
“We want to mark this competition as something positive to compete in and also to highlight that it’s better to collaborate, as there’s enough business and to go around and we should all be lifting each other up, especially during a global pandemic.
“Several brands have contributed competition prizes and I believe by the time we close this comp, there’ll be many more fabulous prizes on offer. These brands have not only donated prizes, but they will also put a  judge forward, so the playing field is level, unbiased and real.
The Leoko Cup –  #collaboratedonthate nail competition will have 3 winning places:
1st place trophy with certificate and a big nail haul & 12-month print subscription to Scratch
2nd place trophy with certificate and mini nail haul & 12-month print subscription to Scratch
3rd place trophy with certificate & 12-month print subscription to Scratch
The competition rules are as follows:
Opening date: Friday 30 April – Closing date: Midnight Sat 12 June 
Winners announced Sat 26 June 2021
• You must create an exciting, stylish nail-focused magazine cover.
• The theme is open – but it must showcase – NAILS !
• Create a set of nails no less than 5 nails and no more than 10 nails on model’s hands or hand dolly type mannequin.
• The nail must be extended to at least 3cm from the cuticle and no more than 10cm. Min-3cm- Max 10cm nails.
• Nails can be displayed on the hand or with the model in the shot as well as the hand or hands.
• Be as creative as you like.
• The magazine cover (final image) must show the hashtag #collaboratedonthate
• The magazine cover must show the Leoko logo and a logo of  one of the participating companies (on final image).
• This piece must be original and new (not used in any other competition or before anywhere).
• The organiser is looking for innovation, creativity, good styling, great photography and a good overall professional look to the final piece with all requirements included.
• Participants must submit one high quality digital magazine cover and a short video showing production of the piece.
• To register, competitors must fill out an entry form – click here to enter: 
• Entry fee is £25 per image/entry.
Nail brands offering prizes & a judge
• Print by example – Rachel Hanks
• Handolly – Kelly Maskell
• Raven Cosmetics –  Becca Porter & Samantha Duffy
• Nailchemy Ltd  – Dave & Hayley Partridge
• Nail Beauty Excellence  – Jade Barber
• Scarlett Senter Nail Artist & Academy – Scarlett Senter
• Scratch magazine  – Alex Fox

LOUDER  TOGETHER – #collaboratedonthate