Coronavirus: NHBF responds to speculation of the re-opening of salons
By Sophie Nutt | 24 April 2020 | Movers & Shakers, News

Following media speculation that hair and beauty salons could remain closed for six months over coronavirus safety fears, the National Hair & Beauty Federation (NHBF) has released an official statement to professionals within the industry.
Newspaper publications have reported that the Government’s scientific advisors have not been able to find a safe way for hairdressers and beauty salons to reopen, speculating that salons will remain closed for another six months.
In response to the claims, the NHBF has released the following statement to hair and beauty professionals:
“There is a lot of speculation in the media about when salons can re-open. This information has come from just one of the independent advisory bodies to Government, but this is not Government policy. We feel this type of speculation is very unhelpful and damaging to the industry. Less than a week ago, the media published a very different date for when salons might reopen. The NHBF only report on what is Government policy, not speculation. We advise that you follow our social media channels and refer to our website with any questions.”

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