Chloe randall

Coronavirus: Nail & beauty businesses in Scotland to reopen ‘from 26 April’

By Chloe Randall | 16 March 2021 | Movers & Shakers, News

Nails scotland flag

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has revealed that the reopening of hairdressers in Scotland will be phased in from 5 April, with all other non-essential retail premises including close contact services being allowed to reopen from 26 April at the earliest.

This date will be subject to continued review and levels may be modified.

Ms Sturgeon announced that the ultimate aim of the initial roadmap out of lockdown “if all goes to plan” is to restore Scotland to its five-level system of coronavirus rules from Monday 26 April with all remaining retail premises also hoping to open on this date.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said that “brighter days are ahead of us” and that this is the most hopeful she has felt about the situation in a long time.

All parts of Scotland which are currently in the top tier of lockdown restrictions will move down from level four to level three also on 26 April.

In her statement, Ms Sturgeon said the government had to make “careful, cautious, sensible and sometime unpopular decisions” to make sure the exit from lockdown kept moving “steadily and in one direction”.

For the current guidance, visit