Coronavirus: A statement from Team Scratch
By Scratch Staff | 20 March 2020 | Movers & Shakers, News
We are all well aware of the changing landscape around us & the unsettling times in which we are living as a collective & community.
The team at Scratch magazine is focused on positive thoughts & actions and as such, is keeping an eye on all industry action & initiatives to bring you the most current ideas & news beats as they arise.
The team, Alex, Helena, Kat, Sophie & Zoe, shall continue with rolling news here at while the April issue will land on your doormats in a week’s time.
We stand by an industry we love & are passionate about. These are trying & very unsettling times, but they are also giving us a reason to pause, to stand still & take note.
When we do not have the power or control to change a situation, we have no choice but to let it flow; let it act out, let it happen. Our response to it is what really matters; a positive attitude, kind words, thoughts & deeds are the recipe for constructive change. These are the behaviours we need to be projecting to those around, especially those that are alone and/or frail & fragile & need our support right now. It was never a better time to – ‘do as you would be done by’.
At the heart of this industry is the mission to enhance a person’s look by grooming their hands and feet. The nail professional’s duty is to engender happiness – to amplify the client’s feeling of wellbeing & instil a feeling of gorgeousness. The nail stylist is there to cultivate positive feelings that are born from a great, caring & skilled service that affords incredible, flawless results. And to top it all, most nail professionals are also counsellors as they open themselves up to be a listening, caring ear. I believe this is now the tech’s time to pause – to be quiet, still & focus on things closer to home.
We can’t change overnight what is happening around us. However, we can follow government directives & make the most of these strange & uncertain times.
This is our pause button – in a world where anxiety is taking over, where stress rules, we are being invited to stand still, take stock & open our heart to those around us.
This is but a moment in time & it will pass. So, let’s make the most of this time & use it to our advantage. Learn a new skill, a hobby, nail design or technique. Plan ahead with your marketing campaigns, get your admin in order, plan a revamp or redecoration, take stock of the inspiration around you & take full advantage of the fabulous online courses out there from the likes of Sam Biddle, Hazel Dixon & Tracey Lee, to name but three.
And now… you probably have time to give to meditation… download an app to help you. The best way to start is through a guided meditation; just 10 minutes a day will help clear your mind, relax your body & give you the power to remain positive.
We stand beside you – you do not walk alone.
Team Scratch x