Consumers are choosing venues during Christmas based on photo opportunities

By Sophie Nutt | 16 October 2018 | Movers & Shakers, News


It’s never too early to start thinking about the ways to increase revenue and maximise profits over the Christmas period!

Research by Christmas Tree World has shown that as many as one in ten people would actually choose a retail venue simply based on whether the Christmas tree and decorations would be good for photos.

A survey of 1,000 UK consumers carried out by e-tailer, Christmas Tree World, has revealed that they upload seven photos on average of themselves in front of Christmas trees, decorations and displays throughout the Christmas period.

1 in 3 said that Christmas trees are the main backdrop for taking photos in leisure venues at Christmas time, while 1 in 10 confessed to choosing a venue simply based on whether the decorations would be good for photos.

In addition, 21% said they share the photographs with friends – with 19% popping them up as posts on social media platforms – the research reveals the positive impact that decorations can have for business as the potential for brand exposure is massive.

“It’s clear to see that consumers are keen to upload pictures to social media of them in front of Christmas trees, decorations and displays over the festive period when they are in leisure venues,” says Stephen Evans, managing director at Christmas Tree World.

“Businesses should see this as a real opportunity to gain more exposure and raise their brand awareness. Thanks to the photographs being shared among family and also on social media, this only presents an opportunity to gain exposure among their customers’ social networks.”

In the run-up to anticipated holidays such as Halloween and Christmas, be sure to embrace the antics by decorating your salon fittingly. Perhaps think of ways to make decorations social media friendly or ‘Instagram-able’ so that clients are more inclined to share their snaps online – as this could mean big brand exposure and the attention of potential new clients. Preparation is key, so don’t leave it to the last minute!

Read all about how to decorate your salon in order to boost retailing this Christmas in the November issue of Scratch.