Two CND™ shades return

By Kat Hill | 07 February 2018 | News, Products & Treatments

Cnd Cuppa How And Bloodlines

CND™ and Sweet Squared have revealed the return of two popular shades.

Cuppa Joe will be available in both Shellac™ and Vinylux™ systems.

In addition, Popular™ shade, Bloodline, will now also be available in Shellac™.

The shade are back and back to stay, Samantha Sweet, Sweet Squared co-founder, reveals. “We know our nail pros can’t resist a good Cuppa Joe! Originally launched in the late 90’s, CND devotees of many years may even remember and love this beautiful brown as much as we do – so stock up while it’s back in town!”

Shop the two shades now from Sweet Squared at