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Champion nail artists Steffi & David Fowler relaunch website & add an exciting feature – SNI Nailflix

By Alex Fox | 13 July 2021 | News, Products & Treatments

steffi & david fowler nailflix

Signature Nail International SNI presents ‘SNI Nailflix’ – . 

This new and exciting digital platform is brought to the global nail industry by Steffi and David Fowler who 15 years ago made the decision to open the first product-neutral education academy, Signature Nail International. Steffi and David had at that point worked under many brand labels with corresponding education. However, both Steffi and David sharing a rebellious nature, wanted to bend the traditional rules and begin developing education methods based upon the features of various brands.

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Those education methods have been used globally over the years with success in the nail studio all the way up to the top global competitors and winners of those competitions. As with everything in life, Signature evolved with the nail industry itself. It was in 2020 that Steffi and David made the decision to redesign the website and shorten the name to SNI.

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Through the evolutionary process, Steffi and David also brought the talent, Ivonne Voigt, on board as an additional face to the SNI brand! Ivonne being an extraordinary talent in both nail design and nail art, was an important part of the brainstorming cycle. With the pandemic gripping the world, the SNI team wanted to continue extending the unique educational experience using a digital platform and SNI Nailflix was born.

SNI Nailflix is a subscription through SNI that mimics the famous ‘Netflix’ concept. For a very reasonable monthly fee, SNI Nailflix International (English) and SNI Nailflix German, provide the subscriber interactive online nail art and nail design education. SNI Nailflix follows a ‘series format’ as well as ‘Movie Night’ events. The series takes a subject within the nail world and splits that up into one-hour episodes taking the viewer from the introduction to an end. Episodes are presented live on a closed Facebook SNI Nailflix channel. ‘Movie Night’ takes an individual subject and presents it in detail from beginning to end in a two-three hour format. ‘Movie Nights’ are dedicated to more advanced themes from the heart and soul of SNI!

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All episodes from each series and various movie night themes remain on SNI Nailflix for the subscriber to view as often as they like without any additional conditions or fees. SNI takes pride in presenting nail art techniques and nail design techniques in every possible medium.  Nail art includes gel paint artistry, acrylic painting, watercolor painting, charcoal sketching, and using various media together. With nail design it offers the subscriber both UV/LED gels of various viscosities and liquid & powder. SNI Nailflix not only provides visuals, but also includes moderation to take the subscriber into the details of the practical visuals also providing an interactive Q&A element to the experience.

Join SNI Nailflix for an extraordinary experience in online education and fun at the same time. Visit its new website to see what is new with SNI and subscribe to SNI Nailflix. “We hope to see you soon, take care of yourselves, and never forget: ‘we all have our own individual signatures, let us help you make the very best out of yours!’” notes David Fowler.


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