Britain’s high street shake-up: Nail, beauty & hair salons double in number in 15 years
By Helena Biggs | 17 June 2024 | Movers & Shakers, News

Beauty salons, hairdressers and takeaways have surged in number on Britain’s high streets in the past 15 years, replacing banks and clothes shops.
A report by policy and research consultancy, Public First, analysed official datasets, which included details of VAT-registered businesses in the UK. This analysis found that hairdressers and beauty salons have increased in number by 11,835 – an 110% rise – since 2010.
Public First attributes the shake-up to the rise of online shopping and banking and the popularity of remote working. The company undertook a nationally representative poll of adults across the country to better understand the feelings surrounding the changing high street. It found that 20% of under 25s think there are too many nail bars: a figure that rises to over two-fifths of those aged 55 and above.
Focusing on regions, the survey revealed that 39% of respondents in the North East and Yorkshire and the Humber feel there are too many nail bars, but 45% of those surveyed in London feel there are the right amount.
A representative from Public First comments: “Overall, older demographics are most discontented with the changing face of town and city centres. In an age when the boomer generation, and older, are seen to wield enormous economic power, it is perhaps surprising that urban spaces are increasingly revolving around the needs and wants of the young.”
View all results of the survey at

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