Bournemouth nail tech creates online security course to protect nail businesses & their clients
By Rebecca Hitchon | 30 March 2022 | Movers & Shakers, News

A whopping $3.25 billion is generated by cyber crime on social media and 160,000 Facebook profiles are hacked every day. While many of us would say that we are cyber crime savvy, what precautions do you take to ensure that not only your information but also your client’s data is protected?
“Many people think that cyber criminals are just after bank details, without realising that data about us as an individual is much more valuable,” reveals Jan Knight of Jan’s Hands, the nail tech and IT trainer behind the launch of a cyber security course aimed at fellow techs.
“Once they have our data they can crack open so much more, including our business accounts. Imagine if your online booking system was hacked and the consequences of that data leak. You would have to contact not only the Information Commissioners Office to report the breach, but also your clients,” she continues.
“Letting clients know that you have been the target of a data leak is extremely embarrassing and you may lose them. It is definitely worth ensuring you don’t get hacked!”
While searching for an entry level online security source that would help nail techs, Jan realised that most content is aimed at IT technicians or big businesses. “I wanted to provide the tools to get nail techs, specifically those without a degree in IT, thinking – turning them from click happy to click savvy,” says the Bournemouth based tech.
“I have seen fellow nail techs click on links they shouldn’t have, add unwise details on social media posts and more, so I felt the need to create a course to make people more aware of the dangers.”
“Once the course is completed, the student will be able to make a much more informed choice on what they put on their social media account, and have the basic tools to keep them and their business safe online.”
The training has three hours of content, with three different chapters and over 30 lessons, covering areas such as social media, email and phone scams, why and how people hack, and how to prevent it. Real world examples are given and a knowledge check is included.
The online security training course is available to pre-order here, and will be available for general sale from May 1 2022 for a special launch price of £25 up to May 14. After this, the course will cost £30.

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