Behind-the-scenes at the Scratch Stars Awards 2019 judging day – part 1
By Helena Biggs | 16 June 2019 | Events, News

While the mid-June weather presented competitors and judges with a downpour on their travels into London, it certainly didn’t dampen spirits – as the first of the two Scratch Stars Awards judging days for 2019 finalists saw passion, creativity and enthusiasm come alive.
Split into two days, the first judging day on 10 June saw competitors in eight categories attend the London College of Beauty Therapy (with a model where required) to perform a one-hour practical assessment followed by five-minute chat, or ‘interview’ with the judging panel. As a Scratch Star is decided not just on technical ability, but on industry awareness, passion, customer care and enthusiasm, these interviews allow the judges to mark accordingly – which contributes to each finalist’s overall score.
It was heartwarming and deeply humbling to see all 40 competitors wishing each other well and applauding the work of each other, even if they were competing for the same title. Some even went for a celebratory drink together afterwards to toast their success in the same category – a true delight to learn about.
Many assume that competitions are all about the win – but the vibe on this first judging day was what has always been intended with the Scratch Stars Awards; to try and enhance and reward talent in an enjoyable way.
With a record number of entries since its launch eight years ago, this Scratch Stars Awards battle was the toughest yet, with judges – who were top educators put forward by our sponsors and three Scratch Stars Hall of Fame successes – commenting on such a high standard across all categories. All finalists should be so incredibly proud of their achievement thus far, and head to the Scratch Stars Party on 21 July with the full intention of celebrating their success – regardless of a win.
It was wonderful to see the effort that every single finalist had put into the awards – and to see so many judges and brands valuing the importance of the Scratch Stars in recognising and enhancing the exceptional talent in the nail industry.
We thank you all for your input and time and can’t wait to celebrate your success at the fun-filled Scratch Stars Party on 21 July!
Check out all the snaps from Day 1 on our gallery page by clicking here.

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