Beauty therapy is third most anticipated post-lockdown activity

By Sophie Nutt | 04 June 2020 | Movers & Shakers, News

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It has been revealed that beauty therapy is the third most anticipated post-lockdown activity amongst UK consumers.

Data was collected by Kantar Media between the first week of the lockdown and the first week of May to demonstrate how consumer desire to inhale in activities has shifted over the period. The data was gathered from social media comments and conversations in which people are discussing what they are looking forward to once the Covid-19 lockdown restrictions are lifted.

The findings reveal that beauty therapy has been highly anticipated throughout lockdown, being the most prioritised activity in the first week. More recently, however, it has been knocked off the top spot by ‘the pub/nights out with friends’. Beauty therapy is now the third most anticipated activity, seeing a 257% increase in popularity since the first week.

“This data, pulled from social media, offers brands and businesses critical insight into what consumer behaviour might look like as lockdown eases here in the UK,” says Andrew Nelson, client director, social media insight, at Fanta Media. “We ranked the activities consumers are most looking forward to and drew comparisons between the start of lockdown and earlier this month.

“We can see that six weeks into the lockdown, people are most looking forward to going to the pub, night out with friends and live events, proving that above all, people miss people. Social mentions of looking forward to going to the pub have increased an enormous 3064% since lockdown began.”