Beauty entrepreneur wins Scottish Business Woman of the Year

By Sophie Nutt | 18 December 2019 | Movers & Shakers, News

Scottish Business Woman Of The Year Kate Stott Beautybooker

Beauty entrepreneur, Kate Scott, has been awarded Scottish Business Woman of the Year at the National Business Women Awards.

Kate was recognised for her business acumen in launching the BeautyBooker app, which allows customers to book appointments in hair, beauty and nail salon and spas within the North East area of Scotland via the app. The app is currently focused in Aberdeen, but Kate has plans for expansion in 2020 throughout Scotland before expanding further into England in the future.

“Within a market that has become saturated throughout the North East and nationally, we wanted to find a way to promote local businesses that were not necessarily the ones with the highest number of followers on social media,” explains Kate. “Our vision is to create a brand so strong and on trend that everyone who holds an interest in hair and beauty has the app on their phone. We don’t just want to be an app, we envision a whole entire movement; in our eyes owning a copy of Vogue and having access to BeautyBooker will be the same thing.”

Salon owners and mobile therapists can also download the BeautyMaker vendor app, that allows them to update their availability in real time and remove appointments listed that may have already been booked by other means.

BeautyBooker is currently free for local hair and beauty businesses to join until February 2020. Customers downloading and booking appointments via the app will receive exclusive discounted offers on various treatments booked.