Beauty brands & businesses to be affected by government recycling plans
By Helena Biggs | 15 January 2019 | Movers & Shakers, News

The NHF/NBF has warned that hair and beauty product manufacturers will be largely affected by the ‘Extender Producer Responsibility’ to be introduced by the government – which could then have an impact on buyers.
Following the government’s launch of its Resources and Waste Strategy for England in December (which aims for all plastic packaging to be recyclable, reusable or compostable by 2025), new reforms will require producers of products to pay the full net cost of recycling or disposing of their packaging waste – instead of just some of the cost, which is currently paid.
According to the report, we use 5 million tonnes of plastic in the UK every year, nearly half of which is packaging.
It is hoped that this initiative (due to be implemented by 2023) will further encourage manufacturers to design products and packaging that can be more easily reused or recycled after use.
There is also likely to be a tax on packaging that contains less than 30% recycled plastic.

Hilary Hall
“We know that many brands are already working on reducing waste, but it is possible that the price of products will go up to reflect the additional charges for waste disposal or for redeveloping packaging into more environmentally friendly forms,” comments Hilary Hall, chief executive of the NHF/NBF and Scratch magazine columnist.
The strategy also promotes improved waste collection and recycling facilities for households and businesses.
A consultation will also take place on increasing the plastic bag charge from 5p and extending the charge to small businesses. At present, the charge only applies to businesses with more than 250 staff, although smaller businesses can charge on a voluntary basis.
This proposal would bring England into line with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland where the charge has always applied to all businesses.
Explore how you can make positive changes to your business via recycling and more at

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