BeautyStack to host march in London to ‘Bring Beauty Back’

By Helena Biggs | 16 July 2020 | Events, News

Beauty March

BeautyStack, supported by bodies including the British Beauty Council & Telegraph Beauty, is hosting a march in London to ‘bring beauty back’.

The march, on 19 July 12-1.30pm, hopes to highlight the need and desire for beauty professionals to return to work and continue all services post-lockdown.

“Financially, beauty has been the forgotten industry in lockdown,” comments a spokesperson for the march. “Throughout the plans to lift lockdown in the UK, the once-booming beauty sector has been left in the dark. We want ALL of beauty back to business and yet there is still no date.

“We have spent four long months preparing our businesses, many without financial help, stocking up on PPE and going above and beyond government guidelines to get our livelihoods back on track.

“We do not deserve to be patronised. There is no reason why we can’t get back to work, put money in our tills and food on our tables. The way we have been treated is unacceptable. We are a responsible, brilliant group of people who deserve to have our voices heard. Let’s show them how ready we are.”

WHEN: Sunday 19 July, 12pm-1:30pm

WHERE: meeting at the steps in Trafalgar Square.

DRESS CODE: Wear full PPE and observe social distancing.

HASHTAGS: #WhyCantIWork #BringBeautyBack

To register your interest in attending, click here.