Chloe randall

Barry M supports charity mani challenge with nail polish launch

By Chloe Randall | 09 August 2021 | Movers & Shakers, News, Products & Treatments

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Barry M has launched a limited edition nail polish named after Esme Lucas, a nine-year-old girl who was diagnosed with leukaemia earlier this year.

The nail shade, which Esme named herself, is called ‘Esme’s Deep Marine’ and is a holographic blue sparkly colour.

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The brand were inspired by Esme’s story as shortly after being diagnosed, Esme set up her own manicure challenge from her hospital bed at the Royal Marsden Hospital, to raise money for cancer charity Young Lives vs Cancer.

The challenge encourages others to paint the nails of male friends and family members to help raise money for the the charity.

The rules for Esme’s Man-icure challenge are as follows:

1) The nail polish has to be the brightest, most garish colour possible.

2) Photographic evidence of application and the end result must be provided. Tag #esmesmanicurechallenge on social media!

3) It has to stay there for at least a week!

From the sale of every bottle of ‘Esme’s Deep Marine’, 100% of the net revenue will go to Young Lives vs Cancer, the charity who have been supporting Esme and her family since her diagnosis.

Esme’s Deep Marine is available exclusively at Barry M now and you can donate to Esme’s challenge here