A nail salon owned by Erin Adeyemo, co-founder of Nail Gaga, and a nail technician were both recognised at the recent BABTAC & CIBTAC annual awards, held at Banking Hall in London.
Denise Louisa Quinn received the nail technician accolade, while Tweezers Beauty in Bedworth, Warwickshire, picked up the award for large salon.
Not only did the ceremony honour the best in the beauty industry, but it was also a celebration of BABTAC & CIBTAC’s ruby anniversary, with both organisations founded in 1977.
“The awards were a wonderful celebration of all that’s great about our profession; people passionate about beauty getting together to celebrate the best in our industry with a spectacular venue befitting the 40th anniversary of BABTAC & CIBTAC,” comments Gill Morris, compere of the awards ceremony.

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