Award-winning mobile nailist launches marketing initiative

By Sophie Nutt | 24 January 2020 | News, Products & Treatments

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Scratch Stars Mobile Nailist of the Year 2018 winner and founder of French & Drench, Joanna Tompkins has announced the launch of her new venture: Nails & Sales.

The Nails & Sales initiative is designed to build the confidence of nail technicians in order to create profitable, busy and successful businesses through marketing and sales advice via a number of platforms. The marketing initiative includes an exclusive Facebook group, online marketing courses, masterclasses, support and advice for techs looking to boost their business.

“The industry is full of nail technicians who complete numerous nail courses yet do not have the opportunity to learn an equally important skill of how to actually get clients using them in the first place,” says Joanna Tompkins, founder of Nails & Sales. “My Facebook group is a happy, positive place for nail techs to hang out, ask business-related questions and to pick up free advice in the group that will transform their way of thinking around pricing, marketing and sales.”

Nails & Sales launched its very first marketing course, titled ‘Take Off in 2020’, earlier this year and is now hosting its first live evening masterclass on Sunday 26 January, which will coach attendees on how to use Facebook for free to attract new clients without spending on advertising.

Joanna also reveals the initiative will soon be running its first free five-day challenge: ‘Put your prices up and be busier than ever’. The challenge will offer five free training sessions that cover building confidence around treatment prices, why techs should be charging more, how to put prices up and how to build a brand that justifies higher prices.

For more information, join the Nails & Sales Facebook group or follow Nails & Sales on Instagram.