ADD UP TO £60K to your business with Hair No More partnership concept

By Helena Biggs | 17 March 2017 | News, Products & Treatments

Skinpulse Shr 300

skinpulse-shr-300Pouring your money into an additional beauty service can sometimes risky, but one company is looking to minimise this risk with a new bolt-on business concept.

Hair No More is seeking salons from across the UK to provide permanent hair removal with the SkinPULSE SHR advanced system, powered by Cosmedico Medical.

Potential partner salons will be assessed on their location, size, footfall and core business activities, with the concept particularly suited to beauty, nail and tanning establishments. Therapists must also be NVQ Level 3 qualified or equivalent.

13882074_323692257977075_4345033142945081076_nIf a salon meets the required criteria, Hair No More will provide the SkinPULSE SHR advanced hair removal system, in-store branding, relevant training and a bespoke website, as well as social media support and celebrity endorsements to increase brand recognition.

What’s more, beauty business consultant has introduced the partnership to her business. Find out why by clicking here.

Check out pg 101 in your March issue of Scratch for more information.