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10 top tips for techs to get mindset & business ready to greet clients next week

By Alex Fox | 05 April 2021 | News

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With industry focus on the reopening of nail salons this month, I thought it relevant to address how you’re going to approach this and get into a positive mindset for working and being successful.

Whilst the lockdowns have been a drain on everyone’s business, for many, the thought of suddenly opening up again can be quite overwhelming and evoke feelings of uncertainty for what the future may bring. This is completely normal and something I can help you overcome to get you feeling more prepared, confident and excited.


Steps for getting your business up and ready to greet clients 


  1. Complete any training that will benefit you and your clients

This last year has been stressful, however, it’s opened many up to new learning opportunities. The extra time taken to learn new skills has added to your service menu. If there’s anything on your ‘to-do’ list that you’ve not quite achieved, take time to get more learning under your belt so you can hit the ground running.


  1. Review your price list

When was the last time you updated your price list? This is a subject that fills many salon owners with fear, yet it’s an area that regularly needs attention. I recommend you do some research on the going rates in your area to make sure you remain competitive.


  1. Give your salon a spring clean 

It’s the perfect time for a freshen up! Take precious time to go through your salon, give it a deep clean, make sure everything is in order and familiarise yourself with the environment. This will make it much easier for you to navigate when clients start streaming in.


  1. Revisit your Covid policy 

Whilst the industry is making great headway, it’s not out of the woods yet, and your business will still need an up to date Covid policy to adhere to. Check the most recent guidance for businesses and make sure that everything you have complies. If there are any changes, make sure your clients know about this in advance. Check updates with the Federation of Nail Professionals on


  1. Communicate with your audience

Before opening make sure you keep current and future clients up to date with information regarding when you’ll be serving them again and how. Use social media to make regular posts updating with the latest guidance on official opening dates, salon rules and conduct. Being at the forefront of people’s minds is going to be so important when you can start promoting yourself again.


Focus on your personal confidence


Opening your business after this uncertain year can cause panic in many people, which is not helpful for your mindset and moving forward.


Take time out to work on the following:


  1. Remind yourself of everything you’ve achieved in your career so far

It’s important to remember your career is not defined by anything that’s happened over the past year. Everything you’ve done has led you to where you are now – all the highs, all the lows. Spend more time focusing on the positives and all the achievements that you’ve gained so far. Congratulate yourself on getting this far.


  1. Reach out to clients for testimonials

Whilst it’s always good practice from a business point of view, having a set of good testimonials can do wonders for your confidence too. Now is the perfect time to speak to some of your loyal clients and ask for feedback on your work.


  1. Don’t look back on the past year with ill-feeling

As much as it can be hard, we all need to leave the negatives of the past year behind us and start looking forward to what the world is going to offer next. Holding onto ill-feelings only serves to drag us down and hold us back.


  1. Celebrate your wins

I encourage everyone I work with to celebrate! No matter how big or small your win, taking time to appreciate and congratulate yourself on your achievement is so important. It can make a huge difference regarding how you feel about yourself and your business. Whether you pop a bottle of Champagne or share your good news with friends and family, you owe it to yourself to be your own biggest cheerleader.


  1. Embrace change 

Change is not something everyone welcomes with open arms, but regardless of how we feel, it’s something that will happen one way or another. Being open to new opportunities and letting ourselves ‘go with the flow’ opens us up to a new world of opportunities.


As a final piece of advice; you’ve already got through the last year, so you’re far more resilient than you ever thought you were. Remember this every time you feel panic stricken or low, then remind yourself of how much the world still has to offer you.


MEET The Cre8tive Collective

A team of nail and beauty professionals that have come together to collaborate in their quest to support the industry in a positive, innovative way.

Leo Ko-Nkengmo

Leo heads up this collaborative. MD of Leoko Cre8tive Ltd. Leo is an award-winning nail artist, MUA, educator and business guru.

Leo Ko-Nkengmo

Dave Heffernan

Pioneering mental health coach, Scratch columnist and mental health programme creator.

Dave Heffernan

Carly Dorman


Carly Dorman

Award-winning nail artist, well-loved supportive creative in the nail tech community.

Samantha Windsor

Samantha Windsor

Nail tech, educator and compliance geek, blogger and vlogger.

Together they produce a supportive industry blog – The Nail on Sunday, which features inspiration, H&S, compliance news, tips, ideas, business coaching highlights and mental health tools.

The Nail on Sunday is located at