Queen of Hearts nails

Queen of hearts le chat 11

Step by Step

Suni (aka @suni_nails), from @thepolishroomfl, is inspired by traditional and pop art from accounts she follows on Instagram. She loves to translate bigger works of art onto smaller canvases such as nails, and used Perfect Match gel polishes from Le Chat to create this Queen of Hearts-inspired design.

Le Chat nail products are available via www.asunailandbeauty.ie

Step 1
Painting the nails with two coats of Flawless White, curing after each coat. Take a liner brush and lightly create abstract lines with a mixture of Flawless White and Royal Red followed by Encore, flash curing after each.
Step 2
Repeat the process, painting darker abstract lines with unmixed Royal Red. Flash cure.
Step 3
Accent the nails with Black Velvet, adding thinner lines to create details in the marbling and flash cure. Apply Mirano No Wipe Top Gel Sealer and fully cure.
Step 4
Mix a small amount of Flawless White and Royal Tea to create the queen's skintone hue. Make a heart shape on the lower 2/3 of the nail and outline with a liner brush using just Royal Tea. Cure.
Step 5
Using Royal Red, create the queen’s hair by painting triangles above the rounds of the heart, and fill in. Flash cure.
Step 6
Add detail to the hair and create the eye shape using a liner brush and Black Velvet. Add ears over the hair by placing two oval shaped dots at each side of the head with the Flawless White and Royal Tea mix created earlier. Flash cure.
Step 7
Using Royal Tea, draw eyebrows and a light nose. Using Black Velvet, draw a crown outline and flash cure nails. Fill in the crown with Seriously Golden and cure. Apply matte top coat and cure.
Step 8
Using Royal Tea, draw eyebrows and a light nose. Using Black Velvet draw a crown outline and flash cure nails. Fill in the crown with with Seriously Golden and cure. Apply matte top coat and cure.
Step 9
For the final nail, use your liner brush and Royal Red to free hand hearts of various sizes and shapes, outlining some with Black Velvet. Flash cure. Dot Mirano top coat over the hearts and cure.