Pink seashell nails

Pink seashell nails step 9

Spring/Summer, Step by Step

Salon System nail expert, Julie-Anne Larivière, has created a pink seashell step-by-step using GELLUX.

Step 1
Prepare nails by pushing back cuticles, trimming excess, shaping the free edge and buffing the nail plate with a white block. Scrub clean with GELLUX Prep + Wipe. Apply GELLUX Fast Bond, let it dry for 30 seconds then apply your base coat of choice and cure.
Step 2
Apply one layer of GELLUX Ice Queen, cure for 30 seconds.
Step 3
Add small drops of GELLUX Ice Queen, GELLUX Jam Packed and GELLUX Rose and Shine. Do not cure.
Step 4
Using a flat gel brush, swipe the brush quickly without pressure from the cuticle area to the tip of the nail. Repeat this step once or twice until you have the desired blended paint stroke effect. Cure.
Step 5
Apply GELLUX Matte Base & Top Coat and cure. Wipe nails with a lint free wipe and Prep&Wipe.
Step 6
Using a large dotting tool dipped in GELLUX Purely White. Apply dots on the tip of the nails and do not cure.
Step 7
Now with a fine liner brush, drag those dots to the cuticle area to create the shell effect. Cure.
Step 8
Using a fine liner, apply GELLUX Mirror Glaze Top Coat, only on the white shapes, and cure. Wipe nails with GELLUX Prep + Wipe and apply GELLUX Nail & Cuticle Oil to finish your shell nails.